Tuesday 28 October 2014

Connotation and Denotation

Denotation- if the audience sees a table and the director wanted the audience to know it was a table that would be denotation.

Connotation- the audience sees a table and understands it is table but also have their own thoughts of the table like past experiences usually the director intends to do this 

When we see a knife we think for chopping this is denotation, but if we ad some dark music and have thunder and lightning and have two people having a massive fight in the kitchen and cut to the knife we think its a murder weapon, this is connotation.

Denotation refers to the basic interpretation of the light hitting our eyes 

Connotation what you associate the image with 

If you make the connotations that the producer of the media text meant you to make, then this is called a preferred reading 

if you make different connotations form those which the producer intend you to make. then this is called  an oppositional reading.

Take a kitchen knife as an example- 

This kitchen knife could be seen to be used for chopping up vegetables (denotation) or it could be seen as weapon to hurt people by the audience (connotation)

Saturday 25 October 2014

What is a Thriller

A thriller is a type of movie genre, thriller films use tension suspense and excitement as its main elements. When I watch a thriller I expect to be taken by surprise.

you can get lots of different types of thriller
  • Action thriller- race against time, lots of violence, large amounts of guns. villains are made obvious, chase scenes. A good example would be the dark knight
  • Crime thriller-failed crime, all about committing crimes, include robbers, murders, guns, shoot outs and kidnapping, emphasizes actions. A good example s Pulp Fiction
  • Horror thriller- conflict between main characters, mental physical and emotional, element of fear, trying to scare people, element of suspense, villain has power. A good example is The House Of Wax 
  • Psychological Thriller- Physical strength isn't used to get to the victim but psychology is 
  • Romantic Thrillers- Based on a film with a relationship in it with a hint of thriller in it
  • Supernatural Thrillers- has a supernatural element to the thriller genre 

My favourite  thriller's are the paranormal activity's, purely because of how they scare me so much

Friday 24 October 2014

Prelim Bertie and Jacky

I am pretty satisfied with the end resutlt as everything is looking good, i think we could have included a few more shots into the scene, and the ending needs developing because it isn't much of an ending. The shots all seem pretty well focused which is good though. In all i think it was a great experience being in the studio and being behind the camera.

Thursday 23 October 2014

Actual Course work task

Preliminary exercise: Continuity task involving filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a couple of lines of dialogue. This task should demonstrate match on action, shot/reverse shot and the 180-degree rule.
Main task: the titles and opening of a new fiction film, to last a maximum of two minutes.
All video and audio material must be original, produced by the candidate(s), with the exception of music or audio effects from a copyright-free source. Both preliminary and main tasks may be done individually or as a group. Maximum four members to a group.

Wednesday 22 October 2014

second editing session

In our second editing session I was left to do things by my self as Jacky wasn't in. I found this helped me out because I got to do things by myself instead of trying to find the answer out from someone else. In the lesson I didn't have much to edit because we had covered most of what we needed to do in the first camera lesson.

During the editing lesson I learnt how to add credits as well as getting use to the essentials of Premiere Pro.

Thursday 16 October 2014

Spider-man opening title sequence Kyle cooper

I like it how we get the credits inside of the human body i think that is really clever because it is actually relevant to the story.
 I found the music also set an exciting tone and as the sequence went on it built up tension and then stopped at the climax when we were told who directed the film- Sam Raimi, this made are attention focus on the name. I also like it how we as an audience go through the city, because this supports the conventions of a superhero movie where the city is saved.


Sherlock Holmes opening title sequence Kyle Cooper

I like this simply because of how old school it is, i really like the old posh hand writing with the credits on the old what looks like burnt paper, because it sends over a message about the film. I also enjoy the music as it sets a tone for a detective film. The opening shot of Sherlock flicking up his hat is my favourite shot from the sequence just simply because it is so classy.


Wimbledon opening title sequence Kyle Cooper


I chose this because i love me tennis, especially wimbledon. I love how you can hear the tennis ball being hit in the back round while the credits are coming up on the screen- this is a sound bridge. Each hit of the tennis ball then becomes a new shot, the hit of the tennis ball represents the click of camera after a photo is taken. The sound of the tennis ball being hit as well as the crowd represent to the audience what the film is about, this is if they didn't get any clues from the film title 'Wimbledon'.

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Kyle Cooper

 Born in 1962 in Salem, Massachusetts, USA.

Kyle Cooper has directed over 150 opening title sequences.He is the founder of two internationally known film design companies, Imaginary Forces and Prologue Films.Cooper got a M.FA for graphic design at the Yale school of Art.

He directed the title opening scenes of Spider-man, Spider-man returns, Wimbledon and many more.
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First editing lesson

I paired with Jacky because he was in my prelim  group and we were editing our prelim video. We used premiere as the editing software, I have used Final Cut Pro and IMovie in the past so it was pretty simple for me as it was basically the same. We were taught about bins and  rushers. We were told to create two folders called a log bin and a rushers folder the rushers folder was for the original videos and the bin folder was for the sequences that we actually wanted. We were then taught how to cut down clips and bring them together again this was pretty simple because I have done it before on IMovie and Final Cut Pro. Jacky and I were apparently being to precise with the editing and we were too fixed on where to put what sequence. When we should have been playing around to get to know the software. I think next time I should try and put more input into it as I didn't really do much. This will help out in the future when i have no one to help me out with the editing as i wont need to ask a partner for help. It was a really fun lesson and i am sure we will like the finished clip.

Wednesday 8 October 2014


We were sent down to the studio in our group and then we set the camera and tripod up as a group, in our group there was Me who was in charge of the camera, Jacky who was an actor, Danel who was an actrss and Anna who was the director. I found that being camera man was really helpful because I got to know the essentials of the Sony nx5, e.g how to use white balance which I didn't know how to use before and also I got familiar with the focusing process of zooming in on your shot and focussing to make the shot sharp and then zooming back out. As a group we had to follow the shots on the story board above, these are pretty basic shots so it didn't really challenge me much. Matt showed us a new method o0f filming that I haven't done before, we were told to film the whole thing as a wide shot and then as a close up and then an over the shoulder shot and so on.  As we finished all these shots we then added some of our own shots like a close up on a door handle and a low shot of a gun being dropped.

The narrative of our short scene was about someone about to shoot someone but they couldn't. And the other character is shouting telling her to shoot