Tuesday 25 November 2014

Research for opening title sequence

I like the shot at 0.49 to 1.01 its is a 360 degree shot, showing the forest in the back round but always keeping the attention on the character to help create suspense as it is suggesting that there is something going on in the forest. This would fit nicely into our opening title sequence as there is the same sort of situation going on, the fear of someone else being in the forest with you.

We love the shots in this scene they are incredibly interesting, and offer lots of different angles and perspectives of the action which is going on. I particularly like the shots where the camera is following the character from behind other trees, almost like another person, watching on, for example at 0:40.

Another shot which we find interesting and exciting to watch are the slow motion sections for example: 0:48 you can see the man bend down to grab his riffle, although our character may not be reaching for a weapon we could perhaps use this editing technique as our character looks back over his shoulder at his abandoned crime scene.

At 0:53 there is extreme slow motion of the character as he leaps over a log, this makes it seem epic and has a massive impact on the audience as they can appreciate the intensity of the scene, this also creates a more interesting perspective on the scene and adds a twist, so that it isnt just plainly a man running through a Forrest.

The last section I find very exciting and interesting is at 1:51, we see a  medium close up shot of the man from a profile view, once again in extreme slow motion, however this time the music completely stops, and it is silent. This has a massive impingment and is very alluring.


Friday 14 November 2014

Groups thriller ideas- created by Ben but discussed by the four of us

Idea 1: Embers
  • Begin with slow motion flashes of someone screaming in a forest, flashes of fire and water. As the tension reaches its peak, fast cut to a close up of a mother, breathing heavily, accompanied by a doorbell, change to slow motion, music kicks in. Police at the door, without audio they tell this mother the bad news that her son has commit murder in slow motion to an epic song, she breaks down.
  • The whole film tells the story of a family that has broken apart: thus the name 'Embers' (The remains of something that burned strong
Idea 2: Room 7

  • Opens with a man waking up in a room, it is cold and bleak, He is dazed and confused, lots of intense close up, with slow movement of his head, after a few seconds he properly wakes up, he is out of breath and scared. He realises he is in danger. He stands up and walks over to the wall, where there are scratching saying things such as “Help Me!”…. “Your going to die in here”… He looks at his distorted reflection in a smashed mirror. There is also a table with scalpels and surgical equipment on. We see the mans fear. He slowly walks towards it, there is a key hole, he bends down to look through the keyhole, pause for a few seconds, suddenly an eye appears through the key hole, shot of the door which says “Room 7” 

Monday 10 November 2014

Splitting up into groups

We were split up into groups completely randomly, we knew it was done randomly because Adam did it right in front of us.
I was split up into a group with Ben, Grace and Ksenia. I know Ben and Grace well so i think we will be able to communicate with each other easily but i don't know what its gonna be like with Ksenia. I'm happy to be in this group because i know we will come up with some great ideas as i have heard all three of their best ideas and they were all interesting.

Thriller ideas

I was told for prep over the half term break to come up with four thriller ideas , i personally don't think my ideas are that great.

1. Boarding school house gets possessed by a ghost
2.Guy escapes from prison and starts comitting crimes again without anyone knowing but then his family grows suspicion that he has been doing the murders
3. A women is followed around England, all the flats asnd houses she lives in the ghost follows her.
4. My fourth idea is about activity going on within a prison, and we follow the life of a man who was falsely accused of murder.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

The Playground thriller analysis

 There was a little girl  playing around on the swings and climbing frame with her mother in the opening title sequence. I think that the little girl will get pushed off the climbing frame and be possessed by the girl that pushes her off. They have chosen the right actors in terms of appearance, the main focus is on the little girl at the playground, you rarely see a little girl at the playground on her own shes normally with her mother and they have placed a suitable mother in the action which makes it more realistic.There is dialogue between the two character which is pretty much what you would expect between the mother and daughter, the mother being very protective and caring and the daughter laughing from enjoyment of the swings. Quite a lot of the camera work is handheld to give the audience the feeling that they are witnessing the action themselves.
Handheld shot to help the audience imagine they are there.

There is non-diegetic music to build tension a create a sense of suspicion. The miss-en-scene is pretty convincing as the mother is in typical motherly clothing and the daughter is in typical clothes for kids on a outing, (wellington boots). It is being shot at an actual location which is an actual playground, this makes the story line much more realistic compared to shooting in a studio where you can tell things could actually be fake. There are seven credits and i think they are for the director, editors, camera men/women, and screen play. The credits stand out pretty well the white writing stands out against the green grass, the credits vary from positioning from bottom left to bottom right to the middle. The credits are well spaced out from each other to let the audience clearly identify the credits.
The film title seems to be relevant to the actual opening title sequence which is actually located in a playground. I don't know why but i do not get the erg to watch on. 
I think that if the film was actually made it would be a low budget film as they wouldn't need to film in a studio.
establishing shot to set the scene

Monday 3 November 2014

Saul Bass

Saul Bass Picture
We have been set a task to blog about Saul Bass because he is legendary in what he does. Most of Kyle Coopers work wouldn't look the same if it wasn't for Bass.
Saul Bass is a graphic designer born in New York City in 1920. His career was as long as 40 years in the industry and he worked on title sequences such as The Man With The Golden Arm, North by NorthWest and Psycho. He developed the graphic design industry with his innovative ideas and unique perspective of the world.

I chose this as one of the posters to represent Saul Bass's work because i think it gets the key idea of the film through the image, which is that two men are falling into something. The idea of the word vertigo is about being scared of heights and getting a  a light head sensation. This is shown in the poster with the hypnotizing circles which represents the characters feeling and emotions. I haven't seen the film yet but i have got a pretty good idea of what it is about which shows that Bass has done a impressive job.

Vertigo Anatomy of a Murder (1959) Poster
I have not watched the movie Anatomy of a Murder but i can have a good guess at what its about.
Anatomy of a Murder stands out to me because of the color and the bold text. The poster just like Vertigo clearly identifies what the movie is about in my opinion. The dead body with its legs and arms not attached to his body identifies clearly what the movie is about, its represents a mysterious death as the man is dead but we have no idea how he died and why his arms and legs have been pulled off.

Sunday 2 November 2014

First production meeting with group

As a group Ben Ksenia Grace and I sat down and discussed our ideas and all sort of agreed that we had good ideas and it was hard to choose which one to do, so we came up with the plan that we could do a mixture of each of our ideas to get one really good idea. Our ideas came together and we decided that the narrative would be about a police men turning up at house and ringing on the door bell and then it would cut to a boy in the forest dead and then cut back to the women in the house doing ordinary tasks like cleaning/ washing up or watching tv with calm music going on in the back round

Kill Bill sound analysis

There is non diegetic music at the beginning when the girl is being lowered down to be buried alive. The non diegetic music is quite cheerful and happy unlike the action going on. the music and the action contrast against each other. Followed after this there is some diegetic sound of the women panting, the use of sound helps the audience identify that the women is in discomfort and the diegetic sound also makes the audience feel trapped and isolated. Over the sound of the women heavily breathing you can hear the coffin being dropped down into place, the use of diegetic sound makes the viewing seem real for the audience. Due to the screen being black to give the audience the impression of entrapment under ground the director has to rely on the use of sound to help the audience know what is going on. Followed by the scene where the women is dropped all the way down we get some sound of something being dropped on her coffin as this happens her breathing gets more and more aggressive, this helps the audience feel the suspense of the situation as we cant see what is going on, we can only hear. We here the diegetic sound of the women crying which signifies that she just realized what is happening to her and how its going to be very hard to get out. The scene ends with the women being dead silent which shows that the women has completely given up.