Sunday 2 November 2014

Kill Bill sound analysis

There is non diegetic music at the beginning when the girl is being lowered down to be buried alive. The non diegetic music is quite cheerful and happy unlike the action going on. the music and the action contrast against each other. Followed after this there is some diegetic sound of the women panting, the use of sound helps the audience identify that the women is in discomfort and the diegetic sound also makes the audience feel trapped and isolated. Over the sound of the women heavily breathing you can hear the coffin being dropped down into place, the use of diegetic sound makes the viewing seem real for the audience. Due to the screen being black to give the audience the impression of entrapment under ground the director has to rely on the use of sound to help the audience know what is going on. Followed by the scene where the women is dropped all the way down we get some sound of something being dropped on her coffin as this happens her breathing gets more and more aggressive, this helps the audience feel the suspense of the situation as we cant see what is going on, we can only hear. We here the diegetic sound of the women crying which signifies that she just realized what is happening to her and how its going to be very hard to get out. The scene ends with the women being dead silent which shows that the women has completely given up.

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