Tuesday 4 November 2014

The Playground thriller analysis

 There was a little girl  playing around on the swings and climbing frame with her mother in the opening title sequence. I think that the little girl will get pushed off the climbing frame and be possessed by the girl that pushes her off. They have chosen the right actors in terms of appearance, the main focus is on the little girl at the playground, you rarely see a little girl at the playground on her own shes normally with her mother and they have placed a suitable mother in the action which makes it more realistic.There is dialogue between the two character which is pretty much what you would expect between the mother and daughter, the mother being very protective and caring and the daughter laughing from enjoyment of the swings. Quite a lot of the camera work is handheld to give the audience the feeling that they are witnessing the action themselves.
Handheld shot to help the audience imagine they are there.

There is non-diegetic music to build tension a create a sense of suspicion. The miss-en-scene is pretty convincing as the mother is in typical motherly clothing and the daughter is in typical clothes for kids on a outing, (wellington boots). It is being shot at an actual location which is an actual playground, this makes the story line much more realistic compared to shooting in a studio where you can tell things could actually be fake. There are seven credits and i think they are for the director, editors, camera men/women, and screen play. The credits stand out pretty well the white writing stands out against the green grass, the credits vary from positioning from bottom left to bottom right to the middle. The credits are well spaced out from each other to let the audience clearly identify the credits.
The film title seems to be relevant to the actual opening title sequence which is actually located in a playground. I don't know why but i do not get the erg to watch on. 
I think that if the film was actually made it would be a low budget film as they wouldn't need to film in a studio.
establishing shot to set the scene

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