Wednesday 3 December 2014

Narrative action list Created by Ben

  1. Begin with two Establishing shots of picturesque forest, over the top we hear the sound of someone running
  2. The boy (Boy 1) then enters the frame
  3. The camera follows him as he runs through the forest almost as if he is being chased.
  4. His expression is distraught, and filled with panic
  5. intense music begins to grow, along with siren sounds
  6. As we see his expression more clearly as he is running, a flash back cuts in
  7. It shows another boy (Boy 2) laughing at Boy 1.
  8. Cut back to Boy 1 running, are now begin to realise he is running away.
  9. He stubbles as he tires and begins to break down
  10. Another flashback; shows boy 1 pushing down boy 2
  11. Cut back He is now crying, and clearly scared and angry
  12. He hits his own head, as if to get the thoughts out of his mind as we cut to another flashback
  13. The music reaches a peak as we see boy 1 swing a log towards boy 2
  14. Music and sirens reaches a peak
  15. Echoed screaming from boy 2 can also be heard
  16. On impact the camera cuts out
  17. Title reveal.

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