Friday 6 March 2015

Evaluation task 4- Who would be the audience for your media product?

To convey the typical behavior of the target audience for our film Embers i was thinking of doing a video of one of the boys or girls in the year above me at school and just videoing the day to day activities they do.

An 18 year old boy

  1. Playing video games
  2. doing there homework 
  3. doing some sort of activity outside 
  4. sleeping
  5. socialist
  6. listening to music whilst chilling out 
  7. going to the gym
  8. watching movies

An 18 year old girl

  1. gossiping 
  2. homework 
  3. exercise 
  4. shopping
  5. relaxing
  6. watching movies 
  7. socialising with mates
  8. sleeping

After looking at some videos of people who have left Hurtwood and have done this task, i don't think one video of one person is going to be very representative. I have chosen to interview 5-10 people, mostly going to ask the primary target audience which is the ages between 15 and 30 and then i will ask a couple from the secondary audience which is 30-50.

One of the Film Catch Me Daddy. This is a quick description of the film.
Laila, a girl on the run from her family is hiding out in West Yorkshire with her drifter boyfriend Aaron. When her brother arrives in town with a gang of thugs in tow, she is forced to flee for her life and faces her darkest night.

user ratings report for:

Males  73 6.6
Females  17 7.4
Aged 18-29  37 6.2
Males Aged 18-29  28 6.1
Females Aged 18-29  9 7.2
Aged 30-44  35 6.8
Males Aged 30-44  32 6.8
Females Aged 30-44  3 7.3
Aged 45+  14 7.3
Males Aged 45+  12 7.3
Females Aged 45+  2 8.5
Top 1000 voters  4 5.8
US users  3 6.3
Non-US users  87 6.8
IMDb users  101 6.8
 As you can see the most popular target audience for Catch Me Daddy is 18-29.

Another film is Dead Man's Shoes.

A disaffected soldier (Considine) returns to his hometown to get even with the thugs who brutalized his mentally-challenged brother (Kebbell) years ago.

Males  28880 7.7
Females  3110 7.8
Aged under 18  36 7.3
Males under 18  32 7.5
Females under 18  4 6.8
Aged 18-29  13097 7.8
Males Aged 18-29  11830 7.8
Females Aged 18-29  1267 7.8
Aged 30-44  15294 7.7
Males Aged 30-44  14086 7.7
Females Aged 30-44  1208 7.8
Aged 45+  2747 7.4
Males Aged 45+  2429 7.4
Females Aged 45+  318 7.6
IMDb staff  2 7.5
Top 1000 voters  391 6.6
US users  4099 7.5
Non-US users  27891 7.8
IMDb users  35990 7.8

 It seems like this type of genre films are mostly popular between the ages of 18 to 44. This information will help us to pick our target audience.

Thursday 5 March 2015

evaluation task 3

 What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

Embers would be produced by Studio Canal a British independent film company. Studio canal have distributed the likes of Shaun Of The Dead, even though this is a different genre of our film. Studio Canal would also distribute the film . It would have a average  budget for production and probably not a very high Gross for the opening weekend and in the total gross. The film wouldn't expect to do well at box office but get its money back in DVD sales. Someone like Channel 4 or national lottery to invest money into the film. The film would be a social realist drama. During the exhibition stage the film will be showed at many film festivals to build awareness.Hopefully if we build awareness box office sales would increase and so would DVD sales to help cover the costs.
Studio Canal are vertically integrated.Part of the reason why we chose studio canal is that they have got media ownership, for example they own a marketing company, this will help them create brand awareness.
The film will not be shown in 3D or IMAX because of the budget of the film.
We would partner with loads of companies to generate the capital required to produce the film and reduce the  risk of a large investment.

Wednesday 4 March 2015

Evaluation task 2- How does your product represent particular social groups?

At first in our opening title sequence it appears that the two boys who are quite similar represent the middle class and teenagers. This is because of their dress code and maybe the way they speak. However as the action carries on the boys start to become more violent and they don't represent typical teenage behaviour unlike these characters from the Inbetweeners. The two characters come across as two teenage middle class boys, we have made it look like this as of what the boys were wearing and also by having actors who are actually teenagers.

However as the action carries on the boys don't just seem like normal teenage boys, violence takes over.
We made the boys look suddenly violent by using fake blood and aggression physically and emotionally.

Sunday 1 March 2015

Editing Embers

The first editing session
today went well it reminded me of the things that we learnt ages ago such as log bins and rushes. We were taught a quick way of editing though that was to group shots into the timeline. For example we grouped the running scene together, the fighting scene together and then the opening scenic shots together. After we managed to do this we then started to cut down a few shots and started putting a few together. I did't actually get to touch the mouse once because it was Ben's turn, but this afternoon i am going to go up to the editing suite with Grace and we are going to do some editing together.

Tuesdays editing session
 today went pretty well i got to have more of a go compared to monday, the actual video looks like its going to come together really well. Today we were cutting down the duration of the actual clips and were choosing the best clips to put together. We discovered today that we actually have some really good shots, which has made me feel really good about what the final product is going to look like.

Wednesdays editing session
today we carried on from the work we did yesterday but when we got to half way through the lesson Matt told us that we could do something different to what we originally planned. Instead of the footage playing from what we thought would be our first shot to our last shot we decided to play our last shot first and our first shot last, this would make the sequence stand out a bit more and keep the audience guessing about what was going to happen.

Thursdays editing session
Today we  started to re order the footage so that it was in reverse order, the idea of this would be that we'd show something happening and then explain why it has happened with the next shot, (the next shot would be before if it was in standard order). We wanted to add music in today as well after we put the shots into reverse order but Matt, Paul and Luke wouldn't let us until everything was finished and in place. We managed to get all of the shots in place to leave us with just being able to do the sound affects and the credits.

Fridays editing session
today we spent our time doing the credits for the sequence, this was harder than we thought. It had to al be spaced out equally which took us some time but we managed to do it 3/4 into the lesson so we had some time to do some special effects on the credits which made them look really cool and will hopefully mare our Thriller opening title sequence stand out to anyone else's.

Mondays editing session
Today we did all the sound for the sequence for example when one of the characters, played by Gabe, gets hit we put in a sound affect to exaggerate the hit. We have also added a little sound for whenever when one of the credits come up. The sequence looks so much better with sound in it. It has really made it so much better.