Wednesday 24 June 2015

Lip Sync Exercise

The purpose of the lip sync exercise is to prepare us for next year for the music video. The song that we chose to lip sync was Shake It Off by Taylor Swift, this made the exercise funny as this isn't the sought of music that our group listen to. To prepare for the exercise we were told to lean the lyrics over the weekend, this wasn't a hard task though because the whole song is quite easy to remember. In the studio we split up into three groups of seven and there were three different stages in the studio, one of the stages was a camera set up on a dolly, at this stage we moved the camera along the track. At the second stage there was a sofa and a camera which was in a fixed position focused on the sofa. I learnt a lot from the experience including the fact that you film with the music going on in the background, this sounds like a stupid statement but i had never thought about it before, therefore i learnt how to lip sync. I also learnt that to tape the position of the actor is vital when filming the video.
In the suite we split our groups in half, which ended up meaning that there was three people per computer, this was good as it allowed everyone to get involved in the editing process. Just like editing the Thrillers we put the clips into rushes and bins. Then we got all the clips that we wanted and timed them with the music by looking at the beats of the music and the music in the background of the video, this made it really easy after the music had been synced with the clip, but it took some time to do so. I learnt that editing music videos is harder than editing thrillers because of the fact that the music and the video has to be timed perfectly together otherwise the finished product is going to be as good as can be. 

We did make some mistakes on the day, for example our acting skills were not the best, but this was due to the fact that we wanted everyone to act and not everyone were actors. Another mistake on the day was that in the dolly section of the studio our pushes for the dolly moved the camera either too slowly or too quickly, this can be fixed by more experience on the dolly though. 

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