Friday 19 June 2015

Wix VS Wordpress

I learnt how to use Wix yesterday, i also tried to learn how to use Wordpress the day before, unfortunately Word Press wasn't for me, but i really liked using Wix.
The reason why i did not enjoy using Wordpress because it was all so confusing, for example i only found out that at the end of the end of the lesson that i was doing the homepage on completely the wrong thing. I was doing the homepage on blog rather than on pages, this wasn't due to a lack of listening either, it was because it was not made clear where the pages bit was on the website by the Wordpress themselves. So i didn't actually get round to making a Wordpress page in the lesson.


I found using Wix so much easier because of the fact that you could just drop and drag things on the page made designing the actual page really simple. There were also lots of cool templates on Wix as well.
The pictures below are screenshots of my homepage of The Kooks, i manage to produce this homepage within about 30 minutes, in this time i learnt how to use the software as well. This shows how quick and easy it is.

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