Friday 11 September 2015

Researching the appeals of music videos to 17-18 year olds

The first song we looked at that a member in our class enjoyed was Style by Taylor Swift. We came up with some ideas as to why we (17-18 year olds).  We found some of the visual effects to the video very interesting and good to watch

for example the the cut up glass acting as a  mirror, this i think we found visually appealing due to the fact that we don't often see it very often. We found that we also liked the video because of the romantic narrative about a relationship between a boy and a girl. I think the reason why we like the romantic narrative especially girls is because we can relate to it at our age and girls are interested in romantic narratives.  We can also relate to the lyrics to the song which makes it more appealing to us.

Uptown Funk is another music video that someone in our class stated to be one of their favourite. As a class we looked at what was visually appealing and what stood out to us. We found that the dance routine was great especially the moon walk, i think that the reason why we liked the dance routine is because we all go to parties and understand that dancing isn't as easy as you think and therefore when we see something like that we recognise the talent of it. Another reason that we said why we probably liked the dance routine is that we can rehearse it ourselves and copy it. This is especially appealing for girls as they like to copy things, for example the cup song.
The close up and the canted angle of the dancing is also appealing, this is because it makes us the audience feel involved in the video, 17-18 year olds love to feel involved in the action and thats why we like the canted angle and the closeups.  We also like to feel in a party mood. The reason why this appeals to quite a few people and not just 17-18 year olds is because the target market isn't done on age it is targeted towards people who like to have fun. Quite a lot of people in the world like to have fun and therefore it is aimed at a wide audience.

Gibberish by Max is another music video that was liked by someone in our class. We liked the forwards and reverse motion effects, i think the reason we liked the visual effects is because we don't see those visual effects very often and therefore it looks new and exciting to us. We also said that we liked the smoke projections, i think this is because when we see a smoke machine or smoke on stage we automatically think that the piece is going to be interesting and exciting like a rock band. The mix of the music genre also appealed to us, i think this is because 17/18 year olds have a weird taste in music and don't just like one genre, so when we do get a mix of music genres that we like we get the best of two genres that we like in one video/song. The dancing in this video just like in Uptown Funk appeals to us, just like Uptown Funk it appeals to us because we all like to go to parties and dance, and we can all appreciate a good dancer.
I think overall why we liked the video is because some of the stuff in the music video that we see we don't understand how it is done and therefore find it interesting, just like when a magician does something and you have no idea how he/she has done it.

Stacey's Mom is the last video that we looked at and went through why we liked it. The reason we liked it was because it had a very simple narrative which was taken from the lyrics of the song, we liked this because it means we know exactly what was going on unlike other music videos where you have no idea what the video is about. There was some cool visual effects like when the band were projected onto the paintings. We did like the video as a group but i think the boys especially like it because we can relate to the narrative about a boy going over to his friends house and having a crush on his friend's mum. I think another reason why we like the video is just because it is funny and made us all laugh, this is due to the boys in the band not taking themselves seriously and are enjoying themselves mucking around, there are a few especially funny scenes like the massage scene and the bottle over flowing.

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