Thursday 17 September 2015

Expanding idea

Today ( Tuesday )in our media lesson our group spoke to Phil our teacher about our idea, Phil basically told us that he liked the idea but he thought that we would struggle with finding a warehouse and if we did try and make one in the studio or use a room from around school it wouldn't look great. He also said that the video might be a bit boring if we just have weird people with masks on dancing around that cuts between a performance, where a band is playing.
We took this feedback into consideration and put the idea behind us we said that we would try and come up with another one and see if it was any better.

So all through the lesson we were throwing out ideas for the video and couldn't really get one that we all agreed on. We ended the lesson with one potential idea about the masks and the warehouse.

Today ( Wednesday ) we came up with a new idea that we all liked. The idea was based on the main lyrics of this song which said 'what do we do when the power turns off''. The video basically is about the main singer of the band walking down the street, like a high street and he bumps into people and who ever he bumps into we get a cut from him bumping into someone which then cuts to the person he bumps into doing something weird at night. For example mugging someone.

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