Monday 30 November 2015

Website photo's

Today i tried to organise a photo shoot but unfortunately only 1 of the band members turned up. But instead of calling the photo shoot off i thought we might as well just have some single shots. Luckily Angel, a friend of mine is a photographer and so i asked him if he would take the photos if i told him what i wanted. We took some photos of Giorgio up against a big white sheet with lights on him, the reason for putting him in front of the white photos means that we can change the backgrounds effectively, as shown in the photos. Obviously we need some band photos as well but at least i have some photos to put up on the website and some photos for Perry to put on the digi pack if he needs them. For the main background of the homepage we are going for urban look, for example buildings, this is because it fits the genre of our music.

For these photos Angel used photoshop to transfer the image onto other images that he has taken, the fact that Angel had the background photos taken already means that the quality of the photos are much better as they haven't been altered with on the internet. I prefer the photo with the graffiti on the wall to the simple black wall, this is because it is more visually appealing.

Sunday 29 November 2015

Using Wix

To start with i struggled using Wix to make the website, this is because i havent ever used it before and therefore took some time getting used to. However once i watched a few YouTube videos and played around with the software my self i found it very straight forward, from what i have heard it is not as professional as Word Press, this doesnt bother me as the website that we need to make that from the research of other alternative rock bands show that the website should just be a simple one. The process of making the website has been quite long so far and the website still doesnt look quite right, this is because we still dont have homepage for it yet so all the information that has gone in to the homepage is supposed to support the homepage picture it self not some template picture. The image we are looking for is a urban one. I think once we have the right homepage image the process will be much quicker.
I have organised few photo shoots but unfortunately no one has shown up which is quite annoying considering that we dont have much time left to complete the website and the digi pack

Thursday 19 November 2015

possibilities for website idea
 Looking at Batille's website has given me inspiration for how i want to design our website. The main feature of Batille's website is the dissolving revolving picture. This is what catches the audiences eye straight away. For our Website i wanna do the same thing with a dissolving revolving picture where each member walks into the frame after each other, so one person will walk into the frame and then a second person will walk in then the third. To do this we will just take a shot of a cool back round that i have yet to find, and then take a shot of all 3 members then two members then 1 member then nothing just the background.
Here you can see that the main feature is the picture and the Band Name. Unfortunately you can't see the revolving dissolving pictures because it is a still shot that i have uploaded.

In the research we did as a group looking at websites of alternative american rock bands we found that most of the websites the main feature was the picture and the band name, this supports the website that i wanna do which is important because we should follow the conventions of the music genre to help make it look more realistic 

Media shoot day

Tuesday 17 November 2015

last minute preparations

In the lesson we have done some last minute preparations for the big day tomorrow (shoot day), we have done a list of what props we need to bring with us tomorrow so we can tick them off the sheet after we load them into the van. We might do another rehearsal this afternoon but our band is definitely ready for the shoot, having spoken to Max earlier he is definitely ready, i made him sing the lyrics of the song to me and he got them all right. I need to remind Giorgio and Thomas that they need to bring in a selection of clothes including black jeans black shoes black tee shirt and white tee shirt.

Tuesday 10 November 2015


Today we had a rehearsal and for the first time everyone showed up. The rehearsal went very well, Max our singer has learnt his words and looks very confident on camera, Thomas our drummer even said at one point that he didn't need to rehears because it was too easy which was good to hear in a way but also annoying in a way because he might find it easy but the others might need some more practice and we need all the band to be there. Our guitarist Giorgio looked like he picked up the song and new exactly what he was doing which was good to see, the only problem was that he didn't have a strap for his guitar so he couldn't stand up and play, but i said could he make sure that he brings one tomorrow so we can see the band in proper action.

learning from music video

yesterday i was in a music video along with the people in my class for Phil's other class, the music video took place in a pub near school. The music video was made to look like a live performance in the pub, it consisted of two themes which were winter and summer. It was very helpful for our group as we got to see how the day runs. It taught me that we need to have a piece of paper to take with us with a brief description of each shot we need, this is because the music video yesterday was rushed a little bit because of timings, therefore if we have the exact shots that we need written down we can speed up the process and we wont have any faffing about, we can just get it done quickly and smoothly. Yesterday also taught me the significance of rehearsing the band, this is because the group members yesterday had issues with their lead singer and how he wasn't what they imagined him to be like on camera, because of this we are having a quick rehearsal today at lunch with our band to help them come together and feel comfortable performing.

Sunday 8 November 2015

developing prezi

I did the research on Sunset Sons

Wednesday 4 November 2015

Sunset And Sons website analysis

Another rehearsal failure

Today we tried to have another rehearsal, we thought that everybody was free and 2 out of the 3 of them were. It was our guitarist who had a lesson on in the afternoon at the time that worked for everyone so we decided to scrap it because we need all of them to be there to help them become more of a band. This is the second time this has happened, the people that we have got have yet had a rehearsal together, this needs to be sorted out and i am going to take control of this as Freddie isn't. What i have learnt from this is that emailing them isn't going to work so i am going to find them individually and check when they can do it and when they cant, hopefully all of them will have time during the day for a quick 15 minute rehearsal.

Monday 2 November 2015

Introduction to the second half of term

Today we started the lesson by talking about what we are going to be doing in the next seven weeks, this included finishing the pre production of our music video, our shoot day post production and an introduction to the theory of the lesson.
 We were then told to make a list of the things that needed to be done as a group by the end of the week, i got a specific email from Phil our teacher saying that somebody needed to step up and take lead of sorting this out and suggested that i should, so in response to this i took control over who was going to do what in the lesson and in the upcoming week. I gave the stuff that we needed to do to the members of our group that i thought would do it the best and would actually do it, for example i gave Freddie the responsibility of organising a rehearsal for the band as i new that he was closest to the band members and i gave Alex the responsibility of sorting the props out exactly because he knows more then any of us what the video is going to actually look like and then i asked Perry to try and get the props that we need that the school have in the Drama department.