Sunday 29 November 2015

Using Wix

To start with i struggled using Wix to make the website, this is because i havent ever used it before and therefore took some time getting used to. However once i watched a few YouTube videos and played around with the software my self i found it very straight forward, from what i have heard it is not as professional as Word Press, this doesnt bother me as the website that we need to make that from the research of other alternative rock bands show that the website should just be a simple one. The process of making the website has been quite long so far and the website still doesnt look quite right, this is because we still dont have homepage for it yet so all the information that has gone in to the homepage is supposed to support the homepage picture it self not some template picture. The image we are looking for is a urban one. I think once we have the right homepage image the process will be much quicker.
I have organised few photo shoots but unfortunately no one has shown up which is quite annoying considering that we dont have much time left to complete the website and the digi pack

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