Monday 2 November 2015

Introduction to the second half of term

Today we started the lesson by talking about what we are going to be doing in the next seven weeks, this included finishing the pre production of our music video, our shoot day post production and an introduction to the theory of the lesson.
 We were then told to make a list of the things that needed to be done as a group by the end of the week, i got a specific email from Phil our teacher saying that somebody needed to step up and take lead of sorting this out and suggested that i should, so in response to this i took control over who was going to do what in the lesson and in the upcoming week. I gave the stuff that we needed to do to the members of our group that i thought would do it the best and would actually do it, for example i gave Freddie the responsibility of organising a rehearsal for the band as i new that he was closest to the band members and i gave Alex the responsibility of sorting the props out exactly because he knows more then any of us what the video is going to actually look like and then i asked Perry to try and get the props that we need that the school have in the Drama department.

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