Thursday 19 November 2015

possibilities for website idea
 Looking at Batille's website has given me inspiration for how i want to design our website. The main feature of Batille's website is the dissolving revolving picture. This is what catches the audiences eye straight away. For our Website i wanna do the same thing with a dissolving revolving picture where each member walks into the frame after each other, so one person will walk into the frame and then a second person will walk in then the third. To do this we will just take a shot of a cool back round that i have yet to find, and then take a shot of all 3 members then two members then 1 member then nothing just the background.
Here you can see that the main feature is the picture and the Band Name. Unfortunately you can't see the revolving dissolving pictures because it is a still shot that i have uploaded.

In the research we did as a group looking at websites of alternative american rock bands we found that most of the websites the main feature was the picture and the band name, this supports the website that i wanna do which is important because we should follow the conventions of the music genre to help make it look more realistic 

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