Monday 5 October 2015

Another Pitch to Luke

We pitched what we thought our final idea was to Luke who understood the concept of the idea about it being in reverse and he loved the song. The criticisms he did have was that for the smashing up scenes he thought they wouldn't last very long, this means that we would have to have loads of things in a room to smash up, because A, it wont look like a room without lots of stuff in and B. because otherwise we wont have enough visual image in the video to fill out the 3 minutes 15 seconds. Phil also said that we didn't have to make the narrative interesting and didn't have to worry about linking it up. 

Luke made us have a look in the studio to see if there would be enough space for 4 back up dancers and a main singer in there, The picture below is of the studio and we though that there was enough space. The picture doesn't represent all of the space available.
For the performance of the video we were told by Luke to draw on A3 sheet like you can see in the picture exactly where everything is going to be. In our case it is where the singer will be, where the drummer and the drum kit will be and where the pianist and the piano are going to be. We hadn't thought that through yet but i presumed it to be like a diamond formation where the leader will be at the top and the piano and drum kit in line with each other behind.

I think that we wouldn't need to have a narrative, this is because the song is so good that we can do so many interesting things on camera that we can make up enough time for the whole video. For example the dancing and the cool things done in reverse.

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