Tuesday 13 October 2015

Order of events in the car park:

  • band carrying instruments into car park
  • stumbles upon guard, who thinks nothing of it
  • goes onto the roof, sets up instruments, starts playing
  • guard on duty starts to hear noise, follows sound
  • finds amp lead, follows it
  • finds band playing on roof, playing it to the world
  • Goes to small band member orders him to stop, big band member then intimidates guard and tells him to go away
  • retreats, calls in backup with walkies talkie 
  • sees colleges doing clean habits e.g doing tie up, drinking cup of tea, looking at the cctv casually
  • they go up to roof
  • start listening to music, 'let their hair down'  
  • Each band member is individually dragged away - guitarist dragged while still playing and pianist too, and are taken away. We don't see where
  • Drummer is taken away, and his drum sticks maybe broken in front of him?
  • Singer is left alone, still singing, then dragged away and thrown off the roof of the car park.

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