Tuesday 20 October 2015

Talking to the set designer

Today in the lesson we spoke to the set designer Jacqueline and to the lighting guy Jack. We showed them how we would like the set to look like in the studio. They understood clearly what the theme of the set should be like, we are going for a sort of grungy basement sort of set with pipes on the wall behind the band, Jacqueline said that this could be done, but she was wondering whether this would actually be on the set or would it be done by green screen, we hadn't really thought that out but we concluded that it should be already on the set to make it seem more realistic. There is a problem with this however because there is another group in the year that want this type of set, so we need to sort of make it look a bit different otherwise it will look like we have copied them and put no effort into the design. Talking to Jacqueline has helped me realise that the set is going to look really good due to the fact that we have a real set designer to help us with it. We would struggle on our own to create the set because none of us do art or design.
Jack the lighting guy said that doing the spotlights for the band would be easy but there are two different types of spotlights that we could have, we could either have a really strong one where the audience can identify clearly that the individual band members are being spotlighted, or we could have a weaker spotlight that comes of more natural. We didn't really know which one would be best so we asked for his advice and he said that the more natural spotlight would be better as it fits better with the theme of the video.
For the police lighting he said that if we got an actual police light it wouldn't show up very well because it is quite small, he suggested that we use actual blue and red lighting to show it, we didn't really understand how this would be done because we don't really understand how lighting works, so he said that he would be able to do it pretty easily and that we don't have to worry about it. This is nice for us as it allows us to leave it to an expert and not have to worry about it, which allows us to focus on other things.

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